The term ‘Wairua’ is commonly understood to mean Spirit. The Wairua Intuitive Guidance Cards invite you to journey deep within to the core essence of your human existence where you will discover sacred connections to your soul that may help you navigate life in a meaningful and consciously aware way.
Bonnie Baty was born, raised and surrounded by her immediate and extended whanau (family) while growing up on the East Coast of New Zealand’s North Island. Māori culture and its ancestral signs and symbols have strongly influenced her life. The Wairua Intuitive Guidance Cards is Bonnie’s debut deck and is the manifestation of her love, passion and deep respect for te ao Māori (the Māori world). Tihei Mauri Ora! (Alas, there is life!).
Written by Bonnie Baty
44 cards with a 112 page guidebook
Box dimensions 170 mm x 125 mm
ISBN: 978-0-6454206-4-7
Release date: November 2022