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Learn the fundamentals of pranayama so you can design a profound daily practice that will enrich your life? In our online “Transcend With Yoga” Class workshop, you’ll discover that pranayama is so much more than breath control. 

Six practices and techniques can let you go and optimize absorption of prana — bringing you more peace and a better understanding of who you are. When enroll, receive automatically access 8 additional online workshops from our instructors.

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All of our instructors are experts in their fields of expertise and great in transferring their knowledge - teaching skills are supported by our author coach program.

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If you're adept in knowledge and skills in your field of interest, don't hesitate to come aboard. We are opened for new instructor positions.
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Mirimiri Haerenga

10 Courses
$ 150 per month - paid annually

Level 1

12 Courses
$ 1500 paid upfront. $300 discount

One on One

5 month training plan
$ 7999 50% deposit required

1 Month of Premium Tutorials + Project Kits

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Volutpat diam ut venenatis tellus in metus. Gravida cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis. Odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo.